Here at the Vintage HiFi Shack we like to bring you quality high-end vintage HiFi’s rarely found in Australia, it is extremely rare to see any of the high-end units we have on offer on eBay Australia or anywhere else in Australia.
In the 1970s Australia was a tiny market with only around 13 million people, the major HiFi brands focused mostly on providing low to mid-end models, and few if any of the high-end models commonly found in Europe, the United States and Japan ever made it out here. Especially so when some of these stereo systems cost more than some cars! While we specialise in Pioneer gear, we also carry units from Sansui, Kenwood, Sanyo, Rotel, Marantz and other quality brands.
Why Do We Love 1970s HiFi Gear Soooo Much?
As the transistor began to take over from the valve in the 1960s the technology of the home stereo slowly began to evolve from being just cute little music boxes to things that were seriously powerful – the infamous muscle receivers of the 1970s that were a product of the ‘Receiver Wars’. The primary selling point was great sound with plenty of power, and many design features such as DC amplifiers, twin power and Darlington Push-Pull layouts you will only find in 1970s gear or highly expensive boutique audiophile gear.
Analog gear with its discreet components offer a very different sound than that of the modern amplifier, these amplifiers somehow engage the listener more emotionally in the music. HiFi gear produced during this period is commonly referred to as the ‘Silver Era’ of HiFi.
Here at The Shack we take pleasure in introducing you to the world of vintage HiFi!
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ardashes badalian
first of all thank you very much for your website, i really enjoy reading everything in it. and mostly i liked the article about the receiver war i got allot of information from it about some of the gears i have